Copper Lake and Beaver Mountain


This is a fantastic 8 kilometer loop. Fantastic because of the river side walking, many lookouts, pine forest and beautiful Copper Lake. To get there drive south of North Cobalt on highway 567. Continue on the O. P. G. Road for 4 kilometers to the bailey bridge over the Matabitchuan River. Cross the bridge and park on the right near the trail information kiosk. Walk southeast up the hill to the sign marking the O.T. H. Trail. After six kilometers of hiking you will come to a side trail on your right marked with blue paint blazes. Follow the trail to the campsite and continue back to the road you started from. Once at the road turn right and walk down hill back to your vehicle. Some people's devices measure this route as 9 kilometers. The route is rated difficult due to the steepness of four hills.

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