Greetings fellow hikers


We will be doing the 21st annual spring hike on the O.T.H trail this May. As usual we aim to do it after the deep snows have melted and before the hot buggy weather. Unbelievably we have had three trips in a row without snow or heavy rain, although we had a few hot days. So we will aim to do the hike starting on May 6th and finishing on May 15th. If the first few days are going to be cold and rainy it is nice to have the option of starting a few days later. This hike is open to everyone and we have done well with groups of up to ten people.


Throughout the spring, summer and fall there are multi day trail clearing trips for more remote sections of the O.T.H trail. If you are a hiker eager to help let us know and we will try to have a trip that suits your schedule.


Happy trails, Murray