Effective September 30, 2023 - Recent changes to regulations applicable to Not-for-profit corporations. www.ontario.ca/ ...
How Does Nastawgan Trails Operate?
Nastawgan Trails Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation and is a federally registered charity, reference 897274015RR0001. The members of Nastawgan Trails are those individuals, and companies, that are in good standing as to membership requirements. This requirement consists of the payment of dues for various annual periods, (as referenced in the Membership website section). The Directors/Officers of Nastawgan trails are elected at Annual General Meetings in accordance with established "Bylaws", as referenced in the link below. Also referenced are founding documents, including the Constitution and the historical Patent Letter creating the corporation.
Nastawgan conducts an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for members at a location, and time, as deemed appropriate by the executive board. Currenty the AGM is held in October of each year, on the first Saturday after Thankgiving Day. Electronic meeting access, and voting, is an option for members, at the AGM, and executive board meetings. Mandated notification of meetings is done through email and includes financial statements of the preceeding year. Notification for the AGM arrives at least thirty days before the AGM. Members are advised to comunicate their wish for alternate delivery means, as referenced on the Nastawgan website under About Us/Contact Information.
Nastawgan currently has no paid staff and no member receives renumeration other than the recovery of incidental expenses incurred in the process of administration and maintainence of trails. Our revenue largely consists of membership dues, and donations, with some additional revenue originating from the sale of books and maps.
The trails that Nastawgan maintains are extensively on crown land and require no fees for use. Nastawgan exists to preserve our wilderness trails and assist in making them available for the general public.
Effective September 30, 2023 - Recent changes to regulations applicable to Not-for-profit corporations. www.ontario.ca/ ...
Annual General Meeting
October, First Saturday after Thankgiving Day
In-person & video conference
Current Board Members: Tammy Beaudry (President/Chairperson), Paul Cobb (Director), Murray Muir (Director), Earl Snider (Director)